Friday, December 2 at 2pm we’ll be hosting the first talk in our new DOTtalk series, featuring the co-founder of Boston Uncornered, Mark Culliton.
Come by the taproom on Fri, Dec 2 at 2pm to learn more about gang-related violence in Boston and what innovative strategies Boston Uncornered is implementing to address the issues in our communities.
About Boston Uncornered:
Boston Uncornered redirects the entrepreneurial, networking and leadership skills of gang involved youth (we call Core Influencers) from violence and incarceration to obtain a college credential and family-sustaining wage—driving positive change in our neighborhoods. With the skills and opportunities to turn away from the “street corners” for good, we empower Core Influencers to use their influence, leadership abilities and networks to shift social norms in the neighborhoods—decreasing crime and increasing educational attainment and employment for all.
To equip young people with the attitude, skills and experience to graduate from college, focusing on engaging gang-involved youth to become positive leaders in their community.
Founded in 2009, College Bound launched the Boston Uncornered solution in 2016. It is the nation’s only corner to college solution that engages gang-involved individuals who we call Core Influencers.
The Uncornered solution sets the high expectation of college graduation, trains trusted peer mentors to support youth and provides a weekly stipend to afford young people the space to pursue opportunities that enable them to turn away from the streets for good.