
DOTtalk: RESPOND, Inc.

Friday, January 20 at 3pm we’ll be hosting the second talk in our new DOTtalk series, featuring the team from RESPOND. Once again, this presentation from a Boston-area non-profit is paired with a charity beer that we’re brewing, and the proceeds from which will go to benefit RESPOND. This is our small part in a nationwide collaborative beer project called One in Four Beer Project, started by Third Space Brewing, in Milwaukee.

Come by the taproom on Fri, January 20 at 3pm to learn more about ending domestic violence, and the important work that RESPOND does in the Boston area.

DOTtalk details:

“Empathy, Patience, and Courage: The Roles We Play in Preventing Domestic Violence and Supporting Survivors”
An overview of RESPOND’s programs and services, plus a focused conversation on the ways we can build community to prevent and interrupt violence – and to support survivors. They will touch on believing survivors, recipes for resilience, how to have courageous conversations, healthy relationships green flags, abusive relationships red flags, empathy, and how to support a friend.

About RESPOND, Inc.:

RESPOND, a pioneer in the movement to end domestic violence, is New England’s first domestic violence prevention agency and the second in the nation. For nearly 50 years RESPOND has provided life-saving shelter, support services, training and education to more than 100,000 members of the community. Services are free, confidential, and available to all survivors of domestic abuse—no matter their age or gender.