Dorchester Brewing


Horizons for Homeless Toy Drive


‘Tis the season to give back! This year, we’re working with local Roxbury organization, Horizons for Homeless, whose mission it is to improve the lives of young homeless children in Massachusetts and help their families succeed by providing high-quality early education, opportunities for play, and comprehensive family support services. If you bring by a toy on Saturday, December 10th between 11:30am-11pm, you get a free DBco koozie to thank you for your generosity!

Your donation will support 175 children in their early education centers! Horizons for Homeless has put together a Holiday Amazon Wishlist with specific items of need. They are also accepting also accepting gift cards to Stop & Shop, Target, and Macys for Family Gifts. Priority items from this list include:

Play Dough
Baby Wipes
Diapers – Size 6
$25 gift cards to Stop & Shop, Target, and Macys

DBco is collecting toys starting on Tuesday, December 6th through Sunday, December 11th.