Dorchester Brewing


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Meet our Team: Brendan MacDermott, Packaging Line/Sales

Here at DBco, we love that our staff members are so passionate about what they do and love to see them grow as individuals and in their career. So when Brendan joined the Packaging Line and showed his chops at as a team player, he was an obvious choice to support our sales growth when we started to dip our toes into the wholesale beer game. In the last year and a half, we went from canning our first 4-packs and only selling them in-house to offering 8 different varieties of 4-packs, which are sold at over 60 locations throughout retail and restaurants in the Boston area. (Check out our map to see all of the locations!) Read on to learn more about Brendan, our Packaging Line team member who also supports sales.

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I’ve been in the Boston area my whole life, I grew up on the South Shore and I live in Quincy now, less than 5 miles from the brewery. Along with being active and lots of sports, I love any activity that includes drinking beer, like Cornhole at a backyard BBQ, golfing, or just spending a day at the beach. I also love to travel and visit other breweries, especially in New England.  

How did you get into craft beer industry and end up at DBco?

I actually have a background in wine. I graduated from Sonoma State University with a degree in Wine Business Management. But here in Boston there aren’t many opportunities to grow in the wine industry and I jumped at the chance to be a part of the growing craft beer scene. When I saw a job opening at DBco, I quickly grabbed up that opportunity and hopped on the packaging line. Since then, I’ve continued to package up the beer while also growing into a sales role as DBco started to ramp up their wholesale business.

What are your dual roles at DBco and what you do day-to-day.

I start early in the morning at the brewery on the packaging line.  I assist in preparing and sanitizing our packaging line and getting a batch of beer ready to be filled in either cans or kegs or both.  During a packaging “run” the line is very quick with plenty of moving pieces, so I help maintain quality control and efficiency. After our first packaging run, I begin my second part of the day as an account manager for the wholesale team. I’m part of our sales team that handles Dorchester, Quincy and the South Shore.  

What do you like best about the beer industry?

It’s craft as well as an art. I feel like I’m a collaborator and seller of these fantastic pieces of art. Whether it’s a keg of Cream Ale or a can of V1 Double IPA, you have something to see, hold, taste, and appreciate. But, yes, also part of quality control is tasting beer. I mean, part of my job requires me to taste beer before 8am! There aren’t many industries or jobs that mix art, science, and drinking beer in the morning.

Favorite part of your job?

I absolutely love being able to see the DBco brand on the shelves of retail stores, bars and restaurants. There’s so much that goes into that can of beer and I know it’s rewarding to everybody that works in the brewery from ownership, bartenders, brewers, to packaging line personnel to see their beer in the market being enjoyed by thousands of people.

Favorite beer style?

I enjoy so many styles of beer because I’m exposed to and have the opportunity to try so many styles Typically, my favorite beer style would correlate to what I was doing, eating, or the season. If I’m spending the day in the backyard playing Cornhole my choice would be an ice cold lager. I’d probably choose a heavy stout if I’m on the mountain taking a break from skiing!

Favorite DBco beer?

Cream Ale, it’s my Gatorade.

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Meet the Team: Joe Carani, Packaging Manager

You may know all about our folks up front that serve the beer in our Boston brewery..and a little bit about those folks that actually brew the beer. But, there are a bunch of other vital areas of the production process which helps to bring you the freshest craft beer to your bellies. For example, we could not do what we do everyday without our Packaging Team! They are the real heros that manage the process of taking the sweet nectar from product to package so you can drink it up. So, today, we’re excited to introduce you to Joe Carani, our Packaging Manager here at Dorchester Brewing Company.

So, how exactly did a finance guy with a college degree in Political Science/Religion working at a bank in Portland, Oregon trade in his suit for rubber boots in Boston? Joe bought a home brew kit on a whim and basically went crazy getting into it with a buddy of his and his side hobby snowballed from there. Still working in finance, he moved to Illinois and took a side gig as a bartender at a local brewery to continue being around beer as much as possible. He hopped in to help the brewery with some brewing needs and ended up with an actual job in the back of the brewery, working his way up from job to job. He’s done pretty much every position from Racker, Cellar Manager, Brewer, Packaging Manager, which led him to us at DBco!

So, what exactly does Joe do at DBco every day?

  • To start the morning every day, Joe prepares the canning line for production. That means sanitizing it and setting it up to run cans for the day.
  • Next, is actually running the cans. We can run anywhere from 15-20K cans per day with up to two different beers.
  • Some days also involve kegging and racking.
  • At the end of the day, we clean, sanitize, get some more cleaning in and then get prepped and ready for the next morning.
  • Set to repeat!

Where does Joe’s passion lie?

Joe initially thought he wanted to be a brewer when he first got into beer, but he actually found his passion elsewhere in the process…by looking at challenges and fixing problems that arise with his quick-thinking problem solving skills. For example, he’s always looking to create efficiencies to make processes better and faster. Which is a great fit as a Packaging Manager!

Lastly, and most importantly, what beer does Joe like to drink?

His favorites styles to sip on are Kolsch, ESB or Oktoberfest depending on the season of course, but his absolute favorite DBco made beer would have to be our German lager, Zwickelbier.