Free D.O. Testing & Digital Seam Checking
It’s just one hit after another – pandemic, aluminum and then wheat prices, and now CO2 shortages.
With the recent availability issues with CO2 from suppliers across New England, we know that a lot of breweries have moved or are in the process of transitioning as much as possible from CO2 to nitrogen for brewery operations. Since it’s a new fix for a lot of us, there are still questions on how to effectively make the switch without impacting the quality of the beer – especially with respect to oxygen pick-up and DOs in the final product.
To help breweries in New England during this [potential] transition, we would like to support, by using our dedicated QA/QC lab, team, and facilities to test your DOs and can seams for free. Our experienced team will take care of testing DOs, doing digital seam checks, and sending you a QA report.
Why are we doing this? Because we love great beer, and we believe it’s important to be a part of the solution for high-quality execution for our friends and community in New England craft beer. We’ve also done some recent interviews and podcasts about the transition to nitrogen, in the hopes of being a resource to other breweries:
Craft Beer & Brewing Industry Guide: As the CO2 Shortage Drags On, Is Nitrogen an Option for Your Brewery?
Brewer Magazine: Quick Steps Dorchester Says Can Help Lower Your CO2 Usage
Brewbound Podcast: The Latest on the CO2 Issues (feat. James Haugh of Dorchester Brewing & Amy George of Earthly Labs)
To learn more about the DO and seam checking offer, email info@dorchesterbrewing.com or complete the form on our website (https://www.dorchesterbrewing.com/contact-us/) to get the process going. It’s our way of helping the New England craft community ensure quality, regardless of brewery size.
The Dorchester Brewing Team