We’re in the Home Stretch
We’re due for a status update for sure! Since our new signage went up last week, we’ve been getting a lot more inquires on when we’re going to open. So today on the blog, we wanted to give a quick status update on our progress so you guys can get ready. Thanks for being so patient with us…the end is near and we’re in the final home stretch.
The past month has been a lot of behind-the-scenes work. Meaning, we’ve been doing a TON of the nitty gritty work to get the brewery up and running like welding, electrical, plumbing, piping and all of that fun stuff. As you know, the brewing equipment is pretty much all set and now we’re excited to get our packaging systems in place – right now we have the conveyors inand are almost ready to setup our canning and bottling lines, which have both arrived and are almost ready to go. More pictures to come soon once it actually looks like a packaging area.
The biggest update over the past few weeks has been our signage. We’re thrilled to finally get our huge Dorchester sign up on top of the building and our logo up on the silo. The Dorchester script was actually created by a local calligrapher, Jake Rainis, who did an amazing job! We also have to give a special shout out to Salmon Studios for making these amazing signs! For anyone that drives by on a regular basis, our signs have definitely transformed the exterior of the building. We’re excited to celebrate Dorchester and announce to everyone that we are here! We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.
Speaking of opening, it’s looking like early July for us. We can’t even describe the excitement and appreciation for your support in moving towards our opening. Specifically, the City of Boston has been amazing in their support of our project, along with everyone local to Dorchester! THANK YOU!
Right now, we’re getting the interior all ready to brew and will be starting that process in another few weeks, so that we’ll have plenty of inventory to quench your thirst when we open. Once we have a hard opening date, you’ll be the first to know. We’ll be blasting the info all over our social media, blog and email, so rest assured you will be informed as soon as we have info to share!!
We’re also super pumped to have just received our t-shirts and hats so we have a full supply in stock – zip-up hoodies are on their way. I know you want your hands on them now, but patience my friends. Soon enough.
In the meantime, check out our jobs page to see what we’re hiring for!
Special thanks to Thomas Reale Photography for taking the amazing pictures of our space. You’ll be seeing more of his work very soon!